Articles related to Angular development.

Microfrontend with Angular and Webpack Module Federation

Large software monolithes have been a common problem in business applications for years. Backend architects already came up with microservices to tackle this problem a while ago. But frontend developers were still lacking a clean technical solution until now. Most of today's microfrontend solutions (such as webcomponents) feel cumbersome and overcomplicated. Especially if you want to use a framework like

By |2021-05-26T20:18:39+02:007. May 2021|Development|

Unit Testing Angular Pipes

While unit tests in general can get complex really fast (especially when it is required to mock a lot of dependencies), unit testing Angular Pipes is fortunately one of the easier exercises. Likewise, they usually have zero to few dependencies and implement a single interface function that can be treated as a blackbox. The transform interface of Angular Pipes

By |2021-05-26T17:17:07+02:0021. April 2021|Development|

Automated Testing in Angular

Hello and welcome to my first post in my new blog series about automated testing in Angular. In the first months of my profession experience, automatic software testing was not really on my scope. That was not only my fault: Usually project leaders and customers did not want to invest here as they were strongly driven by project costs.

By |2021-05-26T20:17:25+02:0014. April 2021|Development|

My Angular Boilerplate Project

A good Angular boilerplate template can speed up your development process a lot. At the beginning of every project, a lot of time is often invested in setting up the initial project setup. Personally, I get along well with the Angular CLI, but some alternatives and extensions to the supplied tooling have found very useful for me.  To speed

By |2021-05-26T20:16:38+02:0018. March 2021|Development|
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